Payrolls Are Growing Increasingly Complex
The payroll needs of even small Canadian companies are growing increasingly complex. The proper calculation of payroll is now beyond the capability of most payroll software, as more and more companies provide complex pay and benefit packages to their employees and expect the payroll department to “figure it out” (does this sound familiar to you?).
As well, the general ledger accounting requirements from payroll often exceed the capability of most payroll programs, as companies need a detailed accounting breakdown of payroll expenses to properly manage their operations.
The Spreadsheet BandAid
For many companies in Canada, the only solution to these shortcomings has been to develop in-house spreadsheets and other records to generate the needed payroll information. But this approach makes payroll even more difficult to keep track of, results in the need to enter many amounts twice, and leads to endless errors and fixups. Worse, finding the desired information means looking in several places.
PayDirt Payroll handles all those difficult and complicated calculations automatically within the payroll program, and helps you eliminate all of of your spreadsheets.
Why PayDirt Payroll?
PayDirt Payroll Pro and PayDirt Payroll Lite enable Canadian companies to properly calculate their payroll and, of equal importance, generate the desired accounting transactions without having to do additional work outside of the payroll program, ensuring that the work is done right, and only done once. More importantly, PayDirt Payroll will do all of that while actually making payroll easier to do and simpler to run.
PayDirt Payroll will:
- Cut your payroll processing work in half.
- Track all accruals within PayDirt Payroll with no additional work.
- Track accruals and banks in hours, dollars, or both.
- Print accrual balances on employee pay stubs eliminating ongoing balance questions from staff.
- Create complex calculations for hard to calculate paycodes.
- Integrate payroll and your existing accounting so you can avoid manually re-entering all the details in the G/L.
- Work with a payroll process that is easy to learn, easy to use, and easy to train.
- Both versions, Pro and Lite, handle all provinces’ payroll requirements, including Quebec’s
PayDirt Works With Adagio
The developers of PayDirt Payroll have worked closely with the programmers of Adagio Accounting to create a seamless integration between them. This makes PayDirt Payroll the perfect Canadian payroll program for Adagio users.