Common Adagio Payables Questions
Question: We recently changed banks and set up new GL codes for the new bank accounts. We entered checks into a batch and received a message on most of the checks that did not have a vendor number, saying "Bank code incompatible with vendor's control account set". How...
Common Adagio Bank Rec Questions
Question: I am wondering if there is a work-around for importing deposits into BankRec so that they show up individually instead of lumped together as one number, with the description included. For instance, on any given day, I have Cash, Debit, Visa, MC, and Amex...
Common Adagio General Ledger Questions
Question: One of my co-workers has a strange thing happening when posting some batches. After posting a journal entry, when he runs the Detailed Listing report, it generates an extra line that reverses the entry. The line says "2015-/P8 Details missing". If he closes...
Common Adagio Receivables Questions
Question: I have a customer who overpaid an invoice and I would like to issue them a refund. Is there an easy way to do this? Can I create a check from Receivables? Or import the amount owing into Payables? Answer: Reasonably current versions of Adagio Receivables...